LambertsGlas Tag

Paul Housberg / Posts tagged "LambertsGlas"

Angelika Weingardt’s Chapel Glass Art

Chapel glass art for Frankfurt Airport by Angelika Weingardt
Chapel glass art for Frankfurt Airport by Angelika Weingardt (Photo: Zoey Braun)

Anyone who knows me, or who has been following this blog for any length of time, will be familiar with my interest in creating art glass installations for interfaith chapels and meditation rooms, largely in the realm of health care. 

Lamberts Mouth-Blown Glass Installation for USC Alumni Center

Lamberts Mouth-Blown Glass Installation for University of South Carolina Alumni Center by Paul Housberg

Lamberts mouth-blown glass installation for USC Alumni Center, 2015

I’m happy to share another recently completed project – a Lamberts mouth-blown glass installation for the University of South Carolina (USC)’s Alumni Center, the first permanent Alumni Center in the school’s 200 year history.